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As people resume to stay indoors to be safe from COVID-19, it is important to build a small business website in Sydney to continue to reach out to your customers even at the comfort of their homes.

It has been more than a year since the pandemic left a haunting experience in human history and it is a big question for your company for not having its online presence up until this day.

Having a webpage not only let businesses market their products and services on the internet, but it also allows them to know and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

We all know that the community are still discouraged to go out of their houses if it is not necessary. Because of this reason, customers intend to rely heavily on cyberspace to determine everything about your company and purchase your goods and services.

A reliable small business website in Sydney gives your corporation a good asset for providing necessary information, builds integrity, and be on top of the marketplace in the online realm.

In an article from Forbes last April 2020, the United States of America (USA) retailers’ online year-over-year (YoY) revenue growth was up to 68% as of mid-April, surpassing an earlier peak of 49% in early January 2020.

The story also added that there’s been a 129% year-over-year growth in U.S. & Canadian e-commerce orders as of April 21 and an impressive 146% growth in all online retail orders.

In these trying times, having a small business website in Sydney is considered a need for every company. Here are other reasons why you should have one right now:

  1. Enhance the probability to be seen by consumers

The increase in the online activity of people nowadays is indeed genuine and it made it more accessible for customers to know what you have in store for them. With just one click with their computers, one swipe with their phones or tablets, everything will be found on the internet that is why you need to have a pleasing webpage.

The online world does not have a closing time, it is available 24 hours and sales are believing to boost even after the hours that a physical store offers.

  1. Boost integrity and reliability

You can create your business page on social media, but clients will know that you are legit and professional if you have your small business website in Sydney. Through webpages, a business can be more flexible, controlled, and further establishing its branding and credibility. Having a website assures that you will be on top of your competitors who only have a social media page alone. It also gives security to have a long-lasting relationship with your present and potential customers.

  1. Profitable Marketing

Marketing is a critical activity for every company, it is the heart of your business and it is the one that will shape the future of your corporation. When we talk about marketing, every business around the globe puts an effort and allocates a huge budget for it because of its powerful role.

Having a website for your corporation gives you a connection to an unlimited opportunity to market your products and services without having to spend too much. Paying the one-time fee for the creation and development of your website is nothing compared to the profit you will gain and the cost-efficient way of marketing.

If you still do not have a small business website in Sydney in these difficult times, get one now and protect the future of your business from this pandemic. Get in touch with Blitzo Studio now!