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Logo design is a significant area of graphic design, and one of the most difficult to perfect. The logo (ideogram) is the image embodying a company or organization. Because logos are meant to represent companies’ brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer recognition, it is
counterproductive to frequently redesign logos.

Color is a key element in logo design and plays an essential role in brand differentiation. The importance of color is due to the mechanics of human visual perception wherein color and contrast play crucial roles in visual detail detection. In addition, we tend to acquire various color connotations and
color associations through social and cultural conditioning, and these play a big role in how we decipher and evaluate logo color. While color is considered important to brand recognition and logo design, it shouldn’t conflict with logo functionality, and it needs to be remembered that color connotations and associations are not consistent across all social and cultural groups.  Choosing a specific logo color is an important decision because of its long-term implications and its role in creating differentiation among competitors’ logos.

Designing a good logo requires a clear idea about the concept and values of the brand as well as understanding of the consumer or target group. Broad steps in the process might be formulating the concept, doing an initial design, finalizing the logo concept, deciding the theme colors and format involved.

In today’s digital interface adaptive world, with the constant size change of handheld monitors and re-formatting of logo designs, logo designers are shifting to a more bold and simple approach, with heavy lines and shapes, and solid colors. This reduces the confusion when mingled with other logos in
tight spaces and when scaled between media. Social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are examples of companies using such logos.