Home / Development / Questions To Ask Before Hiring An App Developer

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Well, you might have a website, social media accounts, regular posts, and campaigns to keep your business running; but have you ever spared a thought to mobile app?

Yes, mobile application!

According to a survey by Comscore, 1.8 billion people across the world own mobile phones so the mobile is the need that needs to be taken the advantage of.

So, whether you are an established brand or just a startup – there are lots of resources at stake, and finding an efficient app developer becomes extremely important.

And, without much ado, here are the questions that you need to ask before hiring one.

Ask for which platforms they have already worked

This is the best way to judge the expertise and experience of the application developer. Take a walk through of their portfolio that – for what platforms they have worked, which projects they have worked on.

See their real time links of App store, Google store, and then decide, if the developer will be able to design for you or not.

Enquire for their app testing approach

When going for app development Sydney, always check if they will perform comprehensive testing for the app or not. Also, confirm if they will carry out beta testing for the app.

Make sure they have a different team for testing, and use latest tool for testing purposes.

Mode of communication through app development

The efficiency and quality of your application actually depends on how frequently you get in touch with the developing individual.

Before you hire the app developer, ask him how will you stay updated about application’s working, linking, and status.

app development Sydney

Ownership of the mobile application

According to the norms, the company who pays gets the ownership for the mobile application.
So, to make sure that you own the rights of the application you commissioned, get a signed “copyright assignment.”

The document should be confidential and state that you own the app design, source, and code.

Apart from these, ask them if they will submit the app to mobile stores; payment terms, and the entire experience.


So, now when you know what to ask a developer before hiring, go find the one and get the best designed for you.

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