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Making money for your fitness website in Sydney has become a trend, so far, as the community are being influenced to be healthy especially now that COVID-19 continues to take people’s lives.

In a September 2018 article from Forbes, the International Health, Racquet & Sports club Association (IHRSA) said that around $30 billion health and fitness industry in the U.S. has been growing by at least 3 – 4% annually for the last ten years and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Because of the internet, the growth of popular health movements such as veganism, CrossFit, and the like are the reasons why people are getting more involve and choosing the healthier side by managing their weight and watching what they eat.

The influence of social media also encourages the public to look and feel good by associating themselves to hit the gym, eat right, be fit and healthy.

For this reason, fitness gurus are motivated to make money by using their knowledge and being creative. Coaching might be the first option but the idea was too common to be on the list.

Below here is a list of advice on how to make money for your fitness website in Sydney:

  1. Sell workout and meal plans, fitness products

Digital fitness products that come with workout and meal plans are just some of the powerful assets you could have to generate income online.

Because people continue to stay in the comfort of their homes due to the pandemic, it is more effective to make products that are accessible and payable on the internet.

Workout and meal plans can be created in the form of a video or a Portable Document Format (PDF File) and then be sold as a download through an online store.

Science of nutrition to diet-specific recipes is some of the topics you want to consider in your meal plan. Make sure to create informative content and high-quality images to look professional and convincing.

Meanwhile, some of the fitness products that are popular online are jump ropes, exercise balls, pre-workout supplements, resistance bands, fitness tracker, foam rollers, fit boards, among others.

  1. Build a fitness app

The fitness app perfectly goes if you have a fitness website in Sydney. In this age of technology, fitness plans and goals also improved and went digital as it provides convenience to the people.

If you are planning to build one, some of them in-demand content for fitness app includes custom workouts, step tracker, fitness goal management, meal planning, healthy recipes, membership forums, and so on.

  1. Organise fitness seminars

Seminars already prove to be an effective way to gain money for the past years. During these difficult times, conferences, workshops, classes, and even seminars are now held in the virtual world because people need to stay indoors to be safe from the virus.

You can organise, host, and record your seminar and upload it on social networking sites like Facebook and YouTube or even to your fitness website in Sydney. Once you’re established on these platforms, you can add advertisements to your uploaded videos and it is also a good way of publicity.

COVID-19 pandemic has affected not only human health and businesses but every country’s economic performance as well. Gyms are one of the most affected ones as they were instructed to close because viruses stay for a long time on metals and all fitness centre are known to have dumbbells.

Blitzo Studio can help health club business back in shape! Message us to know more about our package for fitness website in Sydney!