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Everyday the number of browsers, platforms, devices that need to work with your site grows. The Web needs to be available to everybody, and responsive design is how we can do that.

Responsive web design is a method of designing flexible websites, that don’t rely on a fixed screen size, and that are also able to detect the size of the screen and adjust the design to provide an optimal viewing experience for that device. It allows us to present the best website possible to all users, regardless of the devices they use.

Responsive web design permits content to adjust and adapt depending on the size of the device on which it is being viewed, providing the optimal viewing experience of a website. It is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on
screen size, platform and orientation.

This kind of design have many features that allow developers and designers to create apps and websites with the speed, functionality, performance, and create website that fits well in all devices. Creating a responsive website is not just a matter of learning some new bits of code. It’s about reexamining the way we think about websites, focusing on user experience and making sure the functionality and content are not afterthoughts to the design. We have to change the way we work on websites, moving to a more collaborative process involving designers, developers and other members. There are some new bits of code to learn-but responsive design is not a new programming language, but it uses the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques with the latest coding standards.

A responsive website starts with a simple, content-focused design that does not rely on advanced Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) or JavaScript and can be seen or displayed on essentially any web-connected device. The practice consists of a mix of flexible layouts and grids, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries. As the user switches from their iPad to laptop, the website should automatically switch to accommodate for resolution, image size and scripting abilities. In other words, the website should have the technology to easily and automatically respond to the user’s preferences. This would eliminate the need for a different design and development phase for each new gadget.

With responsive web design your website will automatically adjust its layout and proportions to suit the device it is being viewed on. The Responsive website content will be easy to read and to navigate whether it is being viewed on a tablet, desktop computer or a mobile device. The main purpose is to
stimulate creativity and to inspire imagination to create your own design trend because your website represents you and your brand. The end result gives a perfect user experience on all devices, making the web design more powerful, interactive, striking and beautiful.